Tuesday, 1 October 2019

Articulating everything

Identity / Identification, Digital / Analogue, Entity / Process, Consciousness, Space, Time
Existence: mechanical integration  

This diagram is an attempt to visualise how the three metaphysical axioms (of Objectivism) work together: 

  • Existence ~ unstated but nonetheless represented by the whole diagram (universal set). 
  • Identity ~ a difference that makes a difference (sundered into its indispensable ‘component mechanisms’ just to better grasp how it's integrated).
  • Consciousness ~ an intersecting mechanism: a largely digital-based identification (of an otherwise largely analogue space/time universe).  

The diagram tries to reveal the ‘mechanics’, the integrated working relationship that might otherwise be glossed-over without considering how identity itself comes about.


The black/white/grey tones are significant: 
  • Greyness  the undefined ‘no-thing’ (boundless/eternal)
  • Black  ‘something’ as contrasted with (bounded by) Whiteness 
  • White  ‘something’ as contrasted with (bounded by) Blackness 

NB, black/white can be switched, it’s contrast itself that’s of quintessential importance.

The three main circles (spheres/parts/sets)  

Circles represent conceptual wholes, themselves defined by an internal binary opposition. They exist, are separated-out from each other because of their explanatory utility (epistemological postulates rather than metaphysical axioms). These conceptual ‘wholes’ are in turn parts of the greater whole — Existence (Universe).
  1. Postulate of Identity Ontology (Identity/Identification)
  2. Postulate of Identity Precision (Analogue/Digital)
  3. Postulate of Identity Dimension (Entity/Process) 

The three main intersections 

  1. Identification ∩ Digital  Consciousness 
  2. Analogue ∩ Process  Time
  3. Entity ∩ Identity  Space 
NB, here they are grey but ought to be thought of as an ongoing black/white dynamic, rather than grey ‘nothingness’ — consciousness, space and time exist.

The six inner-intersections

  1. Identification ∩ Entity ∩ Digital   Concept 
  2. Identification ∩ Process ∩ Digital Percept
  3. Identification ∩ Process ∩ Analogue  Sensation (noise) 
  4. Identity ∩ Process ∩ Analogue   Entropy 
  5. Identity ∩ Entity ∩ Analogue Energy
  6. Identity ∩ Entity ∩ Digital   Particle (part of whole)

The diagram shouldn't be thought of as static, but dynamic…  

Integration of the mechanics of existence

Next time I'll elucidate further. 

Meanwhile, any thoughts on my articulation of everything?