Existence: mechanical integration
This diagram is an attempt to visualise how the three metaphysical axioms (of Objectivism) work together:
- Existence ~ unstated but nonetheless represented by the whole diagram (universal set).
- Identity ~ a difference that makes a difference (sundered into its indispensable ‘component mechanisms’ just to better grasp how it's integrated).
- Consciousness ~ an intersecting mechanism: a largely digital-based identification (of an otherwise largely analogue space/time universe).
The diagram tries to reveal the ‘mechanics’, the integrated working relationship that might otherwise be glossed-over without considering how identity itself comes about.
The black/white/grey tones are significant:
NB, black/white can be switched, it’s contrast itself that’s of quintessential importance.
The three main circles (spheres/parts/sets)
Circles represent conceptual wholes, themselves defined by an internal binary opposition. They exist, are separated-out from each other because of their explanatory utility (epistemological postulates rather than metaphysical axioms). These conceptual ‘wholes’ are in turn parts of the greater whole — Existence (Universe).
- Greyness = the undefined ‘no-thing’ (boundless/eternal)
- Black = ‘something’ as contrasted with (bounded by) Whiteness
- White = ‘something’ as contrasted with (bounded by) Blackness
NB, black/white can be switched, it’s contrast itself that’s of quintessential importance.
Circles represent conceptual wholes, themselves defined by an internal binary opposition. They exist, are separated-out from each other because of their explanatory utility (epistemological postulates rather than metaphysical axioms). These conceptual ‘wholes’ are in turn parts of the greater whole — Existence (Universe).
- Postulate of Identity Ontology (Identity/Identification)
- Postulate of Identity Precision (Analogue/Digital)
- Postulate of Identity Dimension (Entity/Process)
The three main intersections
- Identification ∩ Digital = Consciousness
- Analogue ∩ Process = Time
- Entity ∩ Identity = Space
NB, here they are grey but ought to be thought of as an ongoing black/white dynamic, rather than grey ‘nothingness’ — consciousness, space and time exist.
The six inner-intersections
- Identification ∩ Entity ∩ Digital = Concept
- Identification ∩ Process ∩ Digital = Percept
- Identification ∩ Process ∩ Analogue = Sensation (noise)
- Identity ∩ Process ∩ Analogue = Entropy
- Identity ∩ Entity ∩ Analogue = Energy
- Identity ∩ Entity ∩ Digital = Particle (part of whole)
The diagram shouldn't be thought of as static, but dynamic…
Next time I'll elucidate further.
Meanwhile, any thoughts on my articulation of everything?