Sunday 1 December 2019

A slide-puzzle's kinetic gap

Mereology One Part Whole Metaphysics Existence Identity

…the gap is as vital as the thing itself

Last month’s round diagram was my initial attempt at a static representation of the ‘mechanics’ of existence (please click on ‘November 2019’ to visualise it). I think it is flawed, yet has been a useful thinking-tool for structuring an upcoming ‘essay’ (likely entitled Universe of Difference). But it’s becoming clear to me that this assignment ought to morph into a more interactive time-based medium in order to fully convey the central idea: a space/time universe hewn out of difference (and essentially nothing but differences between reciprocal differences). In particular I’m seeking how best to convey the notion that the movement of ‘gaps’ (externals) actually help form things (internals) ~ and visa versa.

On 1 January 2020, I plan to launch a simple compilation of these ideas in the form of a brand new website–cum–blog ~ a series of inter-linked webpage animations to tinker around with.

Some answers
Last month I also listed a number of questions issuing from the proposed diagram which I’ll now briefly address.

I maintain that a circle/sphere is the best way to visually represent the universe. This is not because I assume the universe is a circle/sphere, rather if it is to be represented by a shape it ought to be one that has the least number of particularities: a circle/sphere satisfies this in that its bounds are ambiguously thought of as both singular and infinite as well as being the least committal shape — the actual shape of the universe being unknown and unknowable.

I think the addition of a choice between blurriness and sharpness of represented areas would be useful where apt. However, I also think that change-through-time would be a far greater augmentation when engaged in the tricky task of conveying physical/metaphysical ideas.

I would label the outer grey areas (which perhaps ought to fade-out) as ‘Potential Identity’ in contrast to all the black or white areas that represent ‘Actual Identity’. This brings with it the notion of present time as ‘the actual’; the future as ‘the potential’ (yet not quite sure where the past fits in to this scheme).

I’m hoping that animation would go some way to explain reality as consisting of reciprocal parts and wholes, rather than being read as a Venn diagram with separate, static ‘sets’.

Whether or not a description of the universe should work in the same way at any scale is a good question. If it is a fundamental description then I think it should work, fractal-like, at any scale what-so-ever.

I’m currently critically reviewing my three-way split: perhaps this has been a mistaken direction to take. An internal nesting of contrast might actual be key — binary oppositions. Furthermore, the axioms of Existence, Identity and Consciousness ought to really shine through as the principal principles too. There were other minor concerns, but as I’m looking at a fundamental overhaul of the diagram/structure those issues can wait until next time.

Anyway, that’s the state of play. See you next year in 2020